- Mar 23, 2025: We have two open positions (postdoc and PhD student)
- Mar 8, 2025: Our presentation "Special Soundness of Non-Interactive Polynomial Commitment Schemes" (based on recent papers of Helger Lipmaa, Roberto Parisella, Janno Siim) was accepted to the |PRoTeCS 2025 workshop (affiliated event of Eurocrypt 2025)
- Feb 4, 2025: Our papers "Polymath: Groth16 Is Not The Limit" (Helger Lipmaa) and "On Knowledge-Soundness of Plonk in ROM from Falsifiable Assumptions" (Helger Lipmaa, Roberto Parisella, Janno Siim) were accepted to the ZKProof 7 in Sofia
- Feb 1, 2025: We welcome Janno Siim and Maiara Bollauf to our team as new lecturers (= assistant professors)!
- January 14, 2025: From February 1, our group will be joined by Janno Siim and Maiara Bollauf
- January 13, 2025: As part of the TEMTA119 project, we are co-organizing institute-wise seminars on the Foundations of CS and AI. The first seminar is on January 21 and given by Miika Hannula
- January 9, 2025: Our (extended) group will teach four courses the following semester. The second one is a new course:
- MTAT.07.002 Cryptology I (Spring 2025, Toomas Krips)
- Cryptographic Engineering (Spring 2025, Sedat Akleylek)
- Verification of Cryptography with EasyCrypt (Spring 2025, Dominique Unruh)
- Applied Cryptography (Spring 2025, Arnis Parsovs)
- December 18, 2024: We got funding! Estonian Research Council grant PRG2531 "Modern Cryptographic Techniques", for topics ranging from modern ZK and SNARKs, post-quantum cryptography, code-based cryptography, and related topics in cryptography and coding theory.
- December 16, 2024: Together with two other research groups, we started to co-organize "Mathy CS" seminars. (The first talk was on December 16)
- December 11, 2024: We hired two new lecturers—more information in January.
- November 20--24, 2024: Research visits by Janno Siim and Maiara Bollauf
- November 1, 2024: We will start giving a new BSc level course, LTAT.04.020 Cryptography, starting from Fall 2025. Stay tuned. (Lecturer: Toomas Krips)
- October 12, 2024: ZKSummit 12 is happening in Lisbon. Helger Lipmaa is invited to present his paper Polymath: Groth16 Is Not The Limit (Crypto 2024)
- October 1, 2024: We have two open lecturership positions, one in cryptography and another one in coding theory and cryptography
- September 26, 2024: Our group has a table booked for the inaugural "Institute of Computer Science Day". Toomas Krips and Sedat Akleylek are present with lollipop. Come and visit.
- September 12, 2024: Helger Lipmaa presented his paper Polymath: Groth16 Is Not The Limit (Crypto 2024) in an online seminar organized by Nexus.
- September 1, 2024: Erki Külaots started as a Ph.D. student
- September 1, 2024: Helger Lipmaa (jointly with people from machine learning and formal verification) obtained a new grant on foundations of digital solutions and AI
- September 1, 2024: New semester started. Sedat Akleylek is reading a new course on Public-Key Cryptography, Helger Lipmaa a new course on Zero-Knowledge Proofs, and Toomas Krips is organizing Research Seminar on Cryptography And Cyber Security
- August 27, 2024: Shuto Kuriyama defended his MSc thesis "Onigoroshi: Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proofs for Circuit Satisfiability over Cyclotomic Rings with Automorphism Gates" (supervisors: Russell W.F. Lai and Helger Lipmaa)
- August 25, 2024: Our paper "Actively Secure Polynomial Evaluation from Shared Polynomial Encodings" by Pascal Reisert, Toomas Krips, Sebastian Hasler, Marc Rivinius, and Ralf Küsters was accepted to Asiacrypt 2024!
- August 22, 2024: Helger Lipmaa presented his paper Polymath: Groth16 Is Not The Limit at Crypto 2024. See for the video (to be uploaded soon).
- August 13, 2024: Pille Pullonen-Raudvere defended her Ph.D. thesis Foundations of efficient and secure algorithm development for secure multiparty computation (supervisors: Sven Laur and Dan Bogdanov)
- July 2, 2024: Our paper "Shuffle Arguments Based on Subset-Checking" (Behzad Abdolmaleki, Prastudy Mungkas Fauzi, Toomas Krips, Janno Siim) was accepted to the SCN 2024 Conference! (All Behzad, Prastudy, and Janno are also alumni of our group)
- July 1, 2024: Erki Külaots was accepted as a new PhD student (supervisor: Helger Lipmaa)
- June 23-27, 2024: Helger Lipmaa participated with an invited presentation at the CIBE 2024 workshop, where he presented our Eurocrypt 2024 paper.
- June 12, 2024: Erki Külaots defended MSc thesis on "Two-Party Multi-Point Function Secret Sharing" (supervisor: Toomas Krips)
- June 12, 2024: Helger Lipmaa gave an invited presentation (in Estonian) at the conference Küberinnovatsioon 2024, introducing zero-knowledge proofs to general audience.
- May 3, 2024: Our paper "Polymath: Groth16 Is Not The Limit" (Helger Lipmaa) was accepted to the Crypto 2024 Conference!
- Mar 25, 2024: Roberto Parisella gave an invited talk to Privacy and Scaling Explorations about our Eurocrypt 2024 paper. Youtube video: Constant-Size zk-SNARKs in ROM from Falsifiable Assumptions
- March 1, 2024: Helger Lipmaa has been running internal ZK seminars at the CS department (but attended also by some people from outside)
- February 2-4, 2024: We coorganized the Estonian-Latvian Joint Theory Days (2-4 February, 2024)
- February 1, 2024: We are joined by a new postdoc Bora Bugra Sezer.
- January 31, 2024: Our paper "Constant-Size zk-SNARKs in ROM from Falsifiable Assumptions" (Helger Lipmaa, Roberto Parisella, Janno Siim) was accepted to the Eurocrypt 2024 Conference!
- December 22, 2023: Our paper "Title: Lookup Arguments: Improvements, Extensions and Applications to Zero-Knowledge Decision Trees" (Matteo Campanelli, Antonio Faonio, Dario Fiore, Tianyu Li, Helger Lipmaa) was accepted to the PKC 2024 conference! See for the eprint version.
- December 7, 2023: Helger Lipmaa presented his paper On Black-Box Knowledge-Sound Commit-And-Prove SNARKs at Asiacrypt 2023. See for the video.
- December 2, 2023: Roberto Parisella presented our paper Algebraic Group Model with Oblivious Sampling (Helger Lipmaa, Roberto Parisella, Janno Siim) at TCC 2023. See for the video (start at 39:00).
- November 1, 2023: Helger Lipmaa rejoins the cryptography group as a leader. Many thanks to Dominique Unruh, who did it before that! (Dominique continues with 20%.)
2018 --- 2023
This news feed was not maintained.
- August 1, 2018: Open Position: Postdoc(s) in Cryptography
- Helger Lipmaa has several positions within a new Horizon 2020 project
- December 1, 2017: Open Position: Research Fellow in Cryptography
- Helger Lipmaa has a permanent position in his group
- November 24-26, 2017: Estonian-Latvian Joint Theory Days is organized in Tartu
- November 21-28, 2017: Research visit by Bingsheng Zhang
- November 6-8, 2017: Nordsec 2017 is organized in Tartu
- November 4-10, 2017: Research visit by Prastudy Fauzi
- November 7, 2017 (and following Tuesdays): Presentation of student projects in Research Seminar in Cryptography: see schedule
- October 2017: Our paper "A Subversion-Resistant SNARK" (Behzad Abdolmaleki, Karim Baghery, Helger Lipmaa, Michał Zając) from Asiacrypt 2017 was one of the three papers to be invited to Journal of Cryptology
- August 2017: Helger Lipmaa the scientific coordinator for University of Tartu of the H2020 European project "PRIViLEDGE" (Privacy-Enhancing Cryptography in Distributed Ledgers), that focuses on Blockchain technology. The project starts from Jan 1, 2018.
- August 2017: Three papers from University of Tartu were accepted to Asiacrypt 2017
- June 5, 2017: PhD defense of Jaak Randmets
- April 12, 2017: Ph.D. defense of Rafik Chaabouni at EPFL. Helger Lipmaa was cosupervisor
- February 17, 2017: Ph.D. defense of Prastudy Fauzi
- February 16, 2017: Invited talk by Carla Ràfols
- October 1, 2016: Helger Lipmaa's group was joined by new MSc student Annabell Kuldmaa
- April 1, 2016: Helger Lipmaa's group was joined by new PhD students Behzad Abdolmaleki and Karim Baghery
- March 15, 2016: Invited talk by Kurt Rohloff
- March 14, 2016: Ph.D. defense of Riivo Talviste
- From January 1, 2016, we were joined by Michal Zajac (his responsibility is local coordination of the Panoramix project) and Janno Siim.
04.07.2014 New PhD students accepted: Ivo Kubjas and Yauhen Yakimenka (both supervised by Vitaly Skachek)
- 13.06.2014 Successful MSc defenses: Tiina Turban
- 10.06.2014 Successful MSc defenses: Yauhen Yakimenka, Saad Usman Khan, Ivo Kubjas, Tiit Pikma
- 21.05.2014 Dominique Unruh's paper ``Quantum position verification in the random oracle model'' was accepted to Crypto 2014
- 10.05.2014 New postdoc: Faruk Gologlu
- 14-18.04.2014 IEEE European School of Information Theory 2014 in Tallinn (main organizer: Vitaly Skachek)
- 01.04.2014 New postdoc: Gelo Tabia
- 25.03.2014 TCS seminar: Quantum Position Verification (by Dominique Unruh)
- 11.03.2014 TCS seminar: PoK, the Adversary Style (Sven Laur, Rafik Chaabouni)
- 03.03.2014 Helger Lipmaa invited as a plenary speaker at Central European Conference in Cryptography 2014 (Budapest, Hungary)
- 02-07.03.2014 Estonian Winter School in Computer Science (Palmse) includes a lecture course on secure two-party computation by Claudio Orlandi
- 07.02.2014 Start of new semester: we offer courses on Computer security, Cryptology I, Applied Cryptography, Introduction to Coding Theory, Secure Programming Techniques, Principles of Secure Software Design, and a |Research Seminar in Cryptography. In addition, it is possible to enroll in Special Assignment in Coding Theory, Principles of Secure Software Design: Project and Secure Programming Techniques Project
- 14.01.2014 Paper on Revocable quantum timed-release encryption (Dominique Unruh) accepted for publication in Eurocrypt 2014.
- 02.01.2014 Open position: Research Fellow in Coding Theory
- 01.01.2014 Helger Lipmaa was promoted to lead research fellow (aka research professor)
- 21.12.2013 Paper on Efficient Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge Arguments for Set Operations (Fauzi, Lipmaa, Zhang) accepted for publication in FC 2014.
- 20.12.2013 Dan Bogdanov (adjunct employee and ex-PhD student) and Pille Pullonen (PhD student) received Estonian prices for student research. (See: 2013. aasta üliõpilaste teadustööde riikliku konkursi tulemused for a link in Estonian)
- 13.12.2013 Invited talk by Faruk Gologlu, "Some polynomials over finite fields and their applications in cryptography and coding theory"
- 16.12.2013 Student talk in our Research seminar by Ehsan Targhi
- 9.12.2013 Student talks in our Research seminar by Tiina Turban and Pille Pullonen
- 25.11.2013 Student talks in our Research seminar by Arnis Parsovs, Toomas Krips and Prastudy Fauzi
- 18.11.2013 Student talks in our Research seminar by Alisa Pankova and Tiit Pikma
- 16.11.2013 The COST Action Cryptography for Secure Digital Interaction, where we are also a part, was approved
- 11.11.2013 Student talks in our Research seminar by Saad Khan and Ivo Kubjas
- 29.10.2013 Invited talk by Sergey Bezzateev (Special class of error-correcting codes for steganography), at 17:15 in Liivi 2-317
- 25-27.10.2013 Estonian Theory Days in Saka. Contains several talks about cryptography.
- 10.10.2013 Electronic Voting: Danger and Opportunity: invited presentation by Alex Halderman in our TCS series
- 02.10.2013 NB. Application round for the NordSecMob MSc 2014 intake open 1 October - 4 December 2013.
- 02.10.2013 In 2014, we will organize the IEEE European School of Information Theory in Tallinn. The dates are April 14-18, 2014. We have a very representative line up of speakers.
- 09.09.2013 The initial meeting of Research Seminar in Cryptography where we offer new topics for the students.
- 05.09.2013 TCS Seminar resumes from summer hiatus, with a talk by Alisa Pankova on New Attacks against Transformation-Based Privacy-Preserving Linear Programming.
- 03.09.2013 Vitaly Skachek was awarded a grant on Novel Analysis and Design Tools for Low-Density Parity-Check Codes under the Norwegian-Estonian Research Cooperation Programme.
- 02.09.2013 With the new academic year, our team offers many new and old courses.
- 02.09.2013 Deadline for applying for the lead research fellow position in cryptography
- 30.08.2013 Paper on A More Efficient Computationally Sound Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Shuffle Argument (Lipmaa, Zhang) accepted for publication in Journal of Computer Security.
- 15.08.2013 Paper on Succinct Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge Arguments from Span Programs and Linear Error-Correcting Codes (Lipmaa) accepted for publication in ASIACRYPT 2013.
- 13.08.2013 Paper on Efficient Modular NIZK Arguments from Shift and Product (Fauzi, Lipmaa, Zhang) accepted for publication in CANS 2013.
- 07.08.2013 Paper on Sparse Structured Associative Memories as Efficient Set-Membership Data Structures (Gripon, Skachek, Rabbat) accepted for publication in 51stAnnual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.